our story
In 1948 in the historic city of Volterra, the doors of "Ristorante da Beppino” opened thanks to the efforts of Beppino Masi. In 1980, Angelo Senes took proprietorship and has since continued combining tradition and elegance to this restaurant and storied city. For over 25 years, angelo's wife, Giuliana haD continued introducing a varied and inspired menu of dishes backed by their qualified, passionate and innovative team.
Hand in hand with the restaurant, we have maintained and operated an organic farm complete with orGanic cereals, legumes and unique Tuscan animal breeds, the meats of which are used exclusively at the restaurant.
Da Beppino has been a landmark destination for Volterrani, residents, travelers and customers alike. Local products and producers are fundamental to our mantra and our menu highlights and showcases that fact.
We consider cooking and hospitality an integral aspect of our lives, as a way of preserving and sharing local traditions that are essential to our history. The environment and atmosphere that we facilitate in our restaurant embodies the daily life of our traditions. With the utmost sincerity for our guests, we strive to offer only the finest and most delicate economy of Tuscan dishes.